We reproduce from The Epoch Times of August 5, 2022 this article by Darlene McCormick Sanchez which shows how at least one incumbent European head of government understands the existential threat from globalists and communists to Western civilization. He addresses his remarks to the United States – but the message applies also in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Britain.

Viktor Orban, the Hungarian prime minister, told hundreds of conservatives in Texas on Thursday 4 August that his country defeated communism—and now America must do the same. Speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Dallas, Orban told the crowd that America is fighting for its life against progressives and globalists, which are communists.

“Don’t be afraid to call your enemies by their name,” he said.  “They hate me and slander me and my country, as they hate you and slander you and the America you stand for.”

Orban said the Democrats in the United States were not fond of him and wanted Hungary to move away from being a Christian nationalist state.  “They did not want me to be here, and they made every effort to drive a wedge between us,” he said.

Orban has been criticized as a right-wing Christian nationalist.  His anti-immigration stance drew condemnation from the United States and the international community recently after he said Hungarians did not want to become “peoples of mixed race.” Orban later clarified that the issue isn’t as much about race as it is about culture.  While not mentioning the controversy directly, he noted that a Christian politician “cannot be racist.”

Orban’s anti-immigration policy earned him a warm welcome in Texas, which is overwhelmed with illegal immigrants under President Joe Biden’s border policies.

Orban praised CPAC’s host state of Texas for its independence and freedom, calling Hungary the “Lone Star State of Europe,” much to the delight of the crowd.

The prime minister said that massive immigration is a globalist goalGeorge Soros, a Hungarian by birth, has an army of followers in institutions across the globe who want to create a post-Western world.

In 2015, Orban said 400,000 illegal immigrants came to Hungary’s borders, but Hungary built a wall and reduced illegal immigration to zero.

Orban’s speech outlined how America and Hungary, which he sees as fighting a common enemy on two fronts, can win against the Marxist movement trying to destroy western civilization.  For better or worse, the world looks to America as a great power that will lead the world into the future, he said.

“The West is at war with itself,” he said.  “The globalists can all go to hell.  I have gone to Texas,” he said, prompting wild clapping and cheers.

Orban said the fight against the far-left starts with understanding that they want to drive a wedge between people and their faith and destroy families.  Nazi Germany was able to succeed in a godless environment, he said.

“You must play to win.  Play by your own rules,” he said.  “THIS WAR IS A CULTURE WAR.”

Progressives change language to disguise their Marxist agenda, he said.  The ideology wants to destroy the family because Marxism sees it as an oppressive patriarchal system.

Gender ideology and the sexualization of children is an idea of the left meant to harm families.  In Hungary, a mother is a woman, and a father is a man.  Order is necessary for any free country, meaning law enforcement is respected, he said.

In Hungary, large families are encouraged through tax breaks for having more than two children.  With those policies in place, Hungary has seen marriages double and abortions cut in half over the past decade, he said.

“We need a strong America with a strong leader,” he said, adding America must lead the world to defeat the globalists.

The path to victory starts with taking back institutions and turning to faith in God.  Orban said America has two years to get ready, alluding to the next presidential election.

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