“I am the spirit that negates.
And rightly so, for all that comes to be
Deserves to perish wretchedly;
‘Twere better nothing would begin.
Thus everything that that your terms, sin,
Destruction, evil represent—
That is my proper element.”
Mephistopheles (the devil), in Goethe’s Faust, Part One

We reproduce with approval the following article by Cliff Reece titled THE GREENS REVOLUTION: WHAT ARE THESE PEOPLE TRYING TO DO TO OUR COUNTRY?

No longer about the environment

The Greens are no longer pursuing a ‘green revolution’ of the type initiated by their founder Bob Brown. They have instead evolved into a hard-left revolutionary political party that is clearly intent on destroying our society and replacing it with their own dystopian version of Marxism.

Their leader, Adam Bandt, when he was a proud teenage Marxist, once described the Greens as “bourgeois.” And he kept prying eyes from his Monash University PhD thesis exploring the theories of Karl Marx by allegedly slapping a three-year suppression order on his 300-page tome.

Adam Bandt denies this, he claims that he merely asked for his doctorate to be kept under lock and key to prevent political enemies making an issue of his Marxism doctorate at the 2010 election.

“I had hoped to publish my thesis as a book, and still do so. On advice, I ticked the box on the form that allows the work to remain confidential while discussions about publishing take place,” Mr Bandt said. (Yes, sure Adam – we believe you!)

Writing on a Marxist website in the 1990s, Mr Bandt attacked capitalism, arguing that ideological purity was paramount.

Former Federal Minister, Kevin Andrews MP, wrote in an article published by the ABC that the Greens “……. operate out of a set of ideological principles and beliefs that extend beyond the warm, cuddly environmentalism they wrap themselves in. While ‘environmentalism’ lies at the core of the Greens ideology, their policies, if ever enacted, would radically change the economic and social culture of Australia. They consider our environment to be a pristine global environment that represents earthly perfection. It is to be protected and promoted at all costs.

“Hence, all old growth forests are to be locked up; logging is to be prohibited; wealth is to be scorned; economic growth is opposed; exclusive ownership of property is questioned; there should be a moratorium on fossil fuels exploration; dam construction should be discouraged; genetic engineering and agricultural monoculture is rejected; world trade should be reduced; and a barter economy encouraged,” he said.

The Greens also want complete cessation of all forms of fossil fuel mining – whether for our own use or for export to other countries. Without that income our economic status would shrink to that of a third-world country!

They believe our economy can be sustained wholly via solar, wind and hydro power. It cannot – and if we even got close to that situation there would be constant blackouts because there would be no source of baseload energy available 24/7. And batteries certainly won’t do it – and neither will green hydrogen as knucklehead ‘Twiggy’ Forrest has recently discovered!

The Greens in Australia also oppose nuclear energy despite the fact that it is emissions-free and that Greens parties in Europe generally now support the use of cheap and reliable nuclear.Despite this, Adam Bandt and his comrades continue to claim they are environmentalists.

Apparently cutting down trees to make way for wind turbines, killing numerous varieties of bird and marine life, despoiling ourcountryside with hideous transmission poles and solar factories doesn’t matter – what a joke!

Assuming we want to retain and perhaps even improve our
current standard of living, none of these ridiculous policies is even remotely
possible in a country like Australia.

The Greens also want to increase the number of Palestinians allowed into our country despite the fact that 72% of surveyed Palestinians support Hamas and condone the brutal murders, rapes, and hostage-taking that took place in Israel in October 2023.

As Georgina Downer, CEO of the Robert Menzies Institute, wrote in the Financial Review, “To have a political party standing side by side with protestors who call for the elimination of the Jewish state “from the river to the sea” is intolerable.

Palestinian supporters in Lakemba NSW celebrate Hamas atrocities in Israel

“Australian politics has for decades been above this. The Greens, once true to its name as a party of environmentalism, is now helping foster intolerance that is trashing the core of Australian values, she said.

The Greens openly support migrants – for purely domestic political advantage – who have come to this country and continued their ancient hatreds to the detriment of our peace-loving and democratic society. They also clearly support anti-Semitism.

And Albanese’s Labor government is doing exactly the same in order to retain in the coming federal election those electorates that have high Muslim populations.

Should they remain in government they will undoubtedly only do so in coalition with the Greens. This would mean that the latter’s draconian policies would form part of the government’s social change program – and that must surely be avoided.

Voting for the Greens is a vote for ANARCHY on a scale never before seen in Australia.

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