Don’t be fooled like the bleeding-heart Useful Idiots that all those “refugees” who have been flooding across the Mediterranean into Italy and Greece, and then into Germany courtesy of Mad Merkel, and into Spain, France, England, Sweden, elsewhere in Europe … are just refugees fleeing from oppression.     Likewise, many of the Muslim immigrants waiting in Indonesia to come to Australia are not genuine refugees but economic migrants or people deliberately seeking to increase the influence of Islam in our society.

Only 20% of the “Syrian refugees” Angela Merkel invited in are actually from Syria.  And even the UNHCR has estimated that three quarters of the “refugees” are military-age men.   The hordes of Africans, Arabs, Pakistanis, Afghans and others swarming into Europe have been demanding free housing and welfare, and too many also assert the right to rape European women and commit violence upon the population at large.  This has of course provoked a strong backlash – but the politicians have for too long refused to listen.

Big backlash in Germany particularly after disgraceful behaviour of “Muslim “refugees” in Cologne and elsewhere
Some statistics from the International Organization of Migration (IOM)

In the first 37 days of 2018, 8,606 mainly Muslim invaders posing as refugees managed to get into Europe.   Figures compiled by the IOM show that 7,795 of the economic migrants and welfare seekers invaded Europe by sea, and 811 by land as of February 7, 2018.   At least 186,768 fake asylum seekers invaded Europe this way in 2017, and 392,879 in 2016.  

The main nationalities of the invaders are, in descendant order:
VIA ITALY: Nigeria, Guinea, Cote d’Ivoire, Bangladesh, Mali, and Eritrea;
VIA GREECE: Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Pakistan, and Algeria;
VIA SPAIN: Morocco, Algeria, Guinea, Cote d’Ivoire, Gambia, and Syria;
VIA BULGARIA: Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Turkey, and Pakistan.

In 2017, at least 92 percent of these landed by sea (172,362) to Italy, Greece, Spain and Cyprus.  The remaining 14,406 used land routes to the Spanish enclaves Ceuta and Melilla in North Africa (6,293) and from Turkey to Greece (5,551) and Bulgaria (2,562).

What is a refugee?

The UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) defines a refugee as “someone who has been forced to flee his or her country because of persecution, war or violence.  A refugee has a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership in a particular social group.  Most likely, they cannot return home or are afraid to do so.  War and ethnic, tribal and religious violence are leading causes of refugees fleeing their countries.”

Now is it conceivable that such numbers from all the above countries are all simultaneously genuine refugees? 

The fact is, the conditions of life in nearly all the countries above are awful BECAUSE OF ISLAM.  And quite apart from the economic factors driving many would-be migrants,  wherever there is violence and killing, it is overwhelmingly Muslim on Muslim violence – especially ethnic and sectarian. 

Unfortunately the “refugees” flooding into Europe and the West generally bring Islam with them as appalling baggage.

Boat people were flooding into Australia at the rate of 50,000 a year until the Abbott government STOPPED THE BOATS after it won the 2013 election.  

It’s a concerted game plan

This mass migration of people out of a large swathe of the Muslim world is a concerted game plan.  Only those afflicted by intellectual dishonesty, denial, and inverted morality refuse to recognize this.  For Islam, these are USEFUL IDIOTS.

Doctrinal basis for this Islamic invasion

There’s a clearcut doctrinal basis in Islam for this invasion of the West.  Mohammed said: “I command you with these five, which Allah has charged me with: assemble, listen, obey, HIJRA and jihad.”  In another hadith, he said: “O people, IMMIGRATE, holding onto Islam, for HIJRA or migration is to continue as long as jihad continues.”  [Reference:  Hadith kenz Umal 46260]

Here are more Hadith references:
Hadith Kitab al Amthael number 2863 by Tirmizi
Imam Ahmed Ibn Hanbelas Hadith number 17344.
Hadith kenz al 46274 Umal – “Migration cannot be ended as long as there is unbelief or as long as there is an enemy that resists.”

And there are several Koran verses conjoining belief and immigration:   2:218, 8:72-75, 9:30, 16:41, 16:110.

Sam Solomon, an erudite Islamic professor who converted to Christianity, wrote a book called The Mosque Exposed.  He says:
“Migration is legally obligatory on a Muslim as preparatory to other forms of jihad for the victory of Islam and Muslims in other countries. Migration precedes jihad and both are inextricably linked.  It is not possible to consolidate the Islamic religion without migration. There is no way to raise the profile of Islam in the abode of apostasy without the help of Muslims and the increase of their numbers.”

More from the Hadiths (recorded traditions of Mohammed’s sayings):

* BUKHARI Vol 8 Book 78 Number 680: “…whoever emigrated for the sake of Allah and His Apostle, then his emigration will be considered to be for Allah and His Apostle…”

* SAHIH MUSLIM Book 1, No 0220: “…Verily migration wipes out all the previous (misdeeds)…”

Mohammad specifically forbade migration that involved integration:  “Do not inhabit or settle with non-Muslims and do not make friends with them for whoever does, is not one of us.”

This is what Najmadin Erbakan, ex-Prime Minister of Turkey, said this to a German journalist: “You think we Muslim Turks come here only for employment and to gather the crumbs of your money. No, we are coming here to take control of your country and by being rooted here, and then building what we see as appropriate, and all that, with your consent and according to your laws.”

Quoted in Sam Solomon & E. Alamaqdisi The Mosque Exposed, p. 56.  Original source in Arabic:

As early as 2006, the late Libyan leader, Colonel Muammar Gaddafi, predicted that Islam would conquer Europe without even firing a shot.  
In March 2011 he warned that Europe would be “invaded by thousands of immigrants” if he was toppled from power.   He spoke after more than 1,000 refugees landed on the tiny Italian island of Lampedusa in just 12 hours.  

He went on to say: “Thousands of people from Libya will invade Europe.  There will be no one to stop them any more.”  He was toppled, and the invasion from Libya, other parts of Muslim Africa, the Middle East and west Asia continues to this day.

Islamic imams make the game plan very clear. This is from the head of Sharia4Belgium:

A Massive Disaster

The flood of Muslim immigration into Australia since the Lebanese civil war of 1975, and the West generally over recent decades, is a DISASTER.   How else can you characterize the refusal by so many of them to assimilate, their rejection of and disdain for our law and Constitution, the destructive impacts upon neighbourhoods, and the alienation which they visit upon themselves – leading to criminality and support for terrorism?

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