Islam uses deceit in dealing with Kafirs – TAQIYYA.  It amounts to being two-faced, loose with the truth.  It can mean outright lying, or saying a half truth to be deliberately misleading, or otherwise concealing the real intention.  It may be permissible lying or obligatory lying.   Both are a clear manifestation of “the end justifies the means” – the end being the protection and advancement of Islam.  Islamic spokesmen are generally masters of Taqiyya, succeeding calamitously in confusing Kafirs about the nature and intentions of Islam.  When you hear an Islamic spokesman on the media, take what he says with a bushel of salt.

(2) KITHMAN – telling only part of the truth – like saying “I hate Hitler” when the real meaning continues “because he didn’t kill all the Jews”.  And when a Muslim says that that JIHAD really means “An internal spiritual struggle”, he is being deliberately misleading.   Bill Warner, Director of the Center for the Study of Political Islam, has researched the Islamic scriptures exhaustively.  The Hadiths of Bukhari give all of the tactical details of jihad.  A simple counting method shows that 3% of the hadiths are about the inner struggle, whereas, 97% of the hadiths are about jihad as war.  So is jihad the inner struggle?  Yes, 3%.  Is jihad the war against kafirs?  Yes, 97%. 

(3) MURUNA – using “flexibility” to blend in with the enemy or the surroundings, and not appear Islamic, so as to cause non-Muslims to lower their guard and trust their Muslim counterpart, opening them to terrorist attack.   Muslims will sometimes shave off their beards, wear western clothing, or even drink alcohol to blend in with non-Muslims;

(4) TAWRIYA – concealing, or “creative lying”.  Here are two examples: 
It is OK to break the intent of an oath, as long as you don’t break the letter of the oath. (Reliance of the Traveler, sections o19.1 and o19.5)
Consider this:  Sura 1 of the Koran is a supplication Muslims make to Allah.  Verses 5 to 7 say:
“Thee (alone) we worship; Thee (alone) we ask for help.  Show us the straight path,  The path of those whom Thou hast favoured; Not the (path) of those who earn Thine anger nor of those who go astray.” 

Suppose someone protests that Sura 1 of the Koran demeans Christians and Jews.  A Muslim might respond, “Sura 1 never mentions Jews or Christians.”  He is practising tawriya, because while Sura 1 does not mention Jews and Christians by name, he knows full-well that the words “those who earn Thine anger (or) those who go astray” refer respectively to Jews and Christians.

(5) TAYSIR – deceit through not having to observe all the tenets of Sharia;

(6) DARURA – deceit through necessity to engage in something “haram” (forbidden).

Islamic doctrine has no hangup about truth and honesty.  Its supreme ethic is “The end justifies the means.”

So when a Muslim spokesman speaks nice-sounding words completely at variance with the violence and subversive behaviour of Islam that’s on display all around the world – he is using one or other of Islam’s forms of permissible or obligatory LYING.

A classic Taqiyya gambit is to quote a “mild” verse of the Koran in full knowledge that it has been abrogated (overturned) by a later, violent one.  Taqiyya merchants will quote Koran 2:256 – “There is no compulsion in religion.”  This is abrogated by MANY verses after it.   The very next sura (chapter) chronologically – the second one “revealed” from Medina – says:

Koran 8:39 – “And fight them [the unbelievers] until there is no fitnah [rebellion] and [until] the religion, all of it, is for Allah.”

Muslim apologists (Taqiyya merchants) love to quote Sura 5:32 as proof that Islam is peaceful.   The bit they quote is “whosoever killeth a human being for other than manslaughter or corruption in the earth, it shall be as if he had killed all mankind, and whoso saveth the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind. …”

This is deliberately deceptive by omitting the context.  The complete passage reads:

5:32 –  For that cause We decreed FOR THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL that whosoever killeth a human being for other than manslaughter or corruption in the earth, it shall be as if he had killed all mankind, and whoso saveth the life of one, it shall be as if he had saved the life of all mankind.  Our messengers came unto them of old with clear proofs (of Allah’s Sovereignty), but afterwards lo!  many of them became prodigals in the earth.

[This is an oblique reference to the murder of Abel by Cain in Genesis 4, and the subsequent covenant with Noah in Genesis 9.]

There’s worse.  The VERY NEXT verse after that humane stuff in 5:32 says:

5:33-34 –  The only reward of those who make war upon Allah and His messenger and strive after corruption in the land will be that they will be KILLED OR CRUCIFIED, or have their HANDS AND FEET ON ALTERNATE SIDES CUT OFF, or will be expelled out of the land.  Such will be their degradation in the world, and in the Hereafter theirs will be an awful doom; Save those who
repent before ye overpower them.

Taqiyya like that using Koran 5:32 is sickening, and people who believe it are deceived because they refuse to READ the Islamic scriptures and look honestly at the empirical evidence of Islam’s behaviour over 1400 years.

Here is an example of quite outrageous Taqiyya

This is from Mohammed Abdalla, then the Director of the Griffith Islamic Research Unit, Brisbane, and Director of the Queensland node of the National Centre of Excellence for Islamic Studies.  In an interview of 12 December 2011 for the ABC’s Religion and Ethics program, in which he attacked Ayaan Hirsi Ali (Somalian ex-Muslim and author of several books), he said:

“There is no justification in Islam for violence, extremism or terrorism.  Targeting civilians’ life and property through any method of attack is forbidden and those who commit these barbaric acts are criminals, not “martyrs.
The Prophet Muhammad spent most of his life trying to stop indiscriminate slaughter.  Karen Armstrong states that “an objective investigation of the life of Muhammad would lead to the conclusion that he abhorred the use of violence and pursued a daring, inspired policy of non-violence that was worthy of Gandhi.”

Mohammed Abdalla

The mind boggles.  Only someone Islamically illiterate could believe such garbage.

For a comparison with Christianity, note that Jesus says in Matthew 5:37: “Simply let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one.”

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