There is no end of material out there on the topics of Islam, the Middle East, the Muslim world, terrorism, jihad, Sharia, and so on.  The books in this list are only a small selection and all highly recommended.  

In addition to these, there are Islamic scriptures – the Koran, the Hadiths (reported sayings and teachings of Mohammed, collected after his death), and the Sira (biographies of Mohammed, the most important one compiled by Ibn Ishaq in the mid-eighth century and called in Arabic Sirat Rasul Allah, the Life of the Messenger of God).  The Koran needs to be read in awareness of the chronology of its chapters, as the mildness of the earlier chapters from Mecca is ABROGATED by the violent verses from Medina.  See separate article on this website titled  Chronology Of The Koran And The Doctrine Of ABROGATION.


Harry Richardson:   The Story of Mohammad – Islam unveiled.  CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2013.  ISBN 9781496019332.  Available from Amazon.

Glenn Beck:  It IS about Islam.   Threshold Editions, August 2015

Serge Trifkovic: The Sword of the Prophet:  Islam – history, theology, impact on the world.   Regina Orthodox Press, 2002. 

Robert R. Reilly: The Closing of the Muslim MindIsi Books, 2011

Irshad ManjiThe Trouble with Islam Today– A Muslim’s call for reform in her faith.  Vintage Australia 2007.

Robert Spencer:  The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades).  Regnery 2008

Robert Spencer:  The Complete Infidel’s Guide to the Koran  .   Regnery 2009

Robert Spencer:  Stealth Jihad: How Radical Islam Is Subverting America Without Guns or Bombs.  Regnery 2009

Bernard Lewis:  The Middle East:  2000 years of history from the rise of Christianity to the present day.  Phoenix Press 2010 (paperback).

David Pryce-Jones:  The Closed Circle:  an interpretation of the Arabs.  Paladin, 1990

Nonie Darwish:  Cruel and usual punishment – the terrifying global implications of Islamic law.  Thomas Nelson Publishers, April 2009.

M. A. Khan :  Islamic Jihad: A Legacy of Forced Conversion, Imperialism, and Slavery., 2009; paperback, June 2011. 

Mark Durie:  The Third Choice: Islam, Dhimmitude and Freedom .    Deror Books 2013

P. David Gaubatz:   Muslim Mafia.  WND Books 2009.  

Rachel Ehrenfeld:  Funding Evil, Updated: How Terrorism is Financed and How to Stop It.  EAN:978-1566252317.   Paperback.   Taylor Trade Publishing (2005)

Witness Statement of Mark John Durie, 3 October 2003, to the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal in the Anti-Discrimination case brought by the Islamic Council of Victoria against Daniel Nalliah and Daniel Scot of the Catch the Fire Ministries

Ayaan Hirsi Ali:  Infidel – My Life.  Free Press 2007. 

Ayaan Hirsi Ali:   Nomad: A Personal Journey Through the Clash of Civilizations.  Simon and Schuster 2011.

Sam Solomon and E Al MaqdisiThe Mosque exposed.  ANM Press 2007

Sam Solomon and E Al Maqdisi:  Al-Yahud:  Eternal Islamic Enmity and the Jews.  Pilcrow Press 2010. 

Neil J. KresselThe Sons of Pigs and Apes:  Muslim Antisemitism and the Conspiracy of Silence.    Potomac Books 2012

Andrew Bostom:  The Legacy of JihadPrometheus Books 2013.

Haim Harari:  A view from the eye of the storm:  Terror and reason in the Middle East.  Regan Books 2011

Vickie Janson :  Ideological Jihad:  Come Mr Aly let us reason together.   Castle Publishing Services, New Zealand.  Available from Koorong.

About the impact of Islamic migration into the West

Bruce Bawer:  While Europe Slept: How Radical Islam is Destroying the West from Within.  Doubleday, 2006.

Theodore Dalrymple :  The New Vichy Syndrome: Why European intellectuals surrender to Ltd 2010 (Canada) or Encounter Books 2011 (USA)

Hege Storhaug: But the Greatest of These Is Freedom: The Consequences of Immigration in Europe. Createspace 2011.

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