Back in 2018, Australia joined the US and Hungary in pulling out of the UN’s Global Compact on Migration.  This was reported on pages 1-2 of The Australian, 3 August 2018:

This was a SPLENDID decision by the then Coalition Australian government and a long overdue poke in the eye to the United Nations bureaucrats who want to destroy national sovereignty.

Australian negotiators had repeatedly warned officials that the UN was adopting requirements that threatened national sovereignty.  They also warned that the Global Compact on Migration contained ill-considered policies, would endanger lives and risked giving legitimacy to “unsafe, disorderly and irregular migration”.

Commitments in the compact failed to make clear distinctions between regular and irregular migrants and between refugees and migrants.  Australia already had 28% of its people born overseas.  The Compact’s principle that “migration should be lawful” disregards Australia’s record of building a nation on orderly migration and spits in the face of our need to protect our borders.

The final version of the pact, dated July 11, 2018 subjects the migration policies of signatories to a series of requirements and to biennial reports to the UN General Assembly that will compare the migration policies of signatory nations against the requirements set down in the compact.  Australia’s ratification would have confronted the nation with the prospect of the UN demanding major changes to our migration system, including to the current detention regime for illegal migrants.

The particularly obnoxious Objective 17 requires governments to “shape perceptions of migration by sensitizing and educating journalists and withholding public funding and material support from publications that promote intolerance of migrants.”  This is blatant social engineering of public attitudes towards migration to make them more positive – even though the experience of practice ally unlimited external “migration”, especially in Europe, is of REPLACEMENT OF THE NATIVE POPULATION BY BARBARIANS.

Freedom and Heritage is consternated that the ultra-woke governments of NEW ZEALAND (Jacinda Ardern) and CANADA (Justin Trudeau) did sign up to the Compact.  Two appalling, treasonous leaders.

The UN is a disaster.  It employs huge numbers of otherwise unemployable bureaucrats at astoundingly high, tax-free salaries.  It destroys sovereignty – have you checked out Agenda 21, in its current iteration as Agenda 2030?  The UN’s record in settling past conflicts has been abysmal.  It is riddled with financial and political corruption.  AUSTRALIA SHOULD GET OUT OF THE UNITED NATIONS.

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